Thursday 22 October 2015

Weird Ocean Creatures

Animals that live beneath deep waters are some real weird creatures (with most of them being really terrifying) thanks to some still unknown evolutionary reason. With such a sheer number weird creatures and monsters roaming the oceans, we today have compiled a list of the most weird ocean creatures that could help us in determining the most bizarre ocean creature on Earth:


With its transparent head, Barreleye is surely one of the world’s strangest creature found in the deep waters of the Pacific.
Commonly known as the “Spook Fish”, it’s eyes located in front of a transparent head allow it to look straight up as it rushes. Within the socket, it’s eyes can rotate in all directions which allows it to look in multiple directions.

Flower Hat Jelly

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Imagine making yourself smaller or bigger with the severity of the hunger you have, this is actually what happens with the mysterious Flower Hat Jelly fish.
Habituated to the coastal waters of Argentina, Brazil and Japan, they feed on the smaller fishes and shrink and grow according to the availability of the food supply.

Bobbit Worm

Native to the tropical waters around the world, these 10 feet long sea creatures have a long lifespan and ambush their prey with such furious speeds that it often slices them in half.
They also inject a venom into their preys on the spot which makes them easier to consume. Despite their rainbowy and pretty look, they aren’t benign.


It uses its long snout as a metal detector in order find it’s prey in the muddy sea floor. Also called as the “Ghost Shark”, it has a cartilaginous body with large pelvic fins, pectorals, two dorsal fins, thick eyes and a sharp spine.
Found at a depth of 2500 meters, they are native to various cold water oceans.

Pelican Eel

Native to the tropical waters of the North Atlantic Ocean, Pelican Eel has an enormous mouth which is even larger than its own body – making it one of the most notable sea creatures in our list.
Named after pouch like lower jaw its loosely-hinged mouth allows Pelican to swallow it’s prey that can be multiple times larger than itself.


With its large fan-like teeth, bulging eyes and photophores tipped long dorsal spine, it has a fierce nature and is found at a depth of 2800 meters in all the tropical waters around the world.
The large jaws and horrific-looking teeth help it to adapt in low-energy environment and ensure that it’s prey wouldn’t escape its grip in deep ocean where there is already a scarcity of food.

Flabby Whalefish

Apparently called “Flabby” due to lack of ribs, these deep blue sea creatures have small eyes and are found around a crushing depth of 3500 meters.
Found in the coastal areas of New Zealand, this colorful creature can consume a much larger prey compared to its own body thanks to its extendable stomach.

Red-Lipped Batfish

Thanks to the retractable appendage that has an inbuilt fishing rod snout, it captures its prey easily when it comes close to it’s unique lips.
The Red-Lipped Batfish is one of the 60 species of the batfishes that compensates the unusual look of its body by caking on the bright red lipstick. Having flattened a life on the seafloor, they look perfect while walking along the seafloor using their multi-purpose pectoral fins.


Although it has a very weird name but it perfectly suits it once you start to know it. Found in the deepest waters of Southern Pacific Ocean, it resembles the colorful autumn gourd.
It hangs out at a depth of 1760 feet and uses its tiny fins to come up. Similar to the above mentioned (#28) Anglerfish, it has a little lure on the top of its head.


Seapig is a specie of Sea Cucumber that is found at a depth of approximately 1000 meters in Indian, Pacific, Atlantic and the Southern Antarctic Ocean.
They are often distinguishable thanks to their short legs which are attached to the dorsal parts of their tiny bodies. They usually stay together in large groups that typically consists of 300 to 600 members.

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